Saturday, July 13, 2019


Artocarpus heterpphyllus 
Jackfruit,  also called Jakfruit, Jaca, Nangka.
An amazing fruit, taste like Juicy Fruit gum and is the largest fruit in the world.The fruit is unusual in that it grows on the side of the trunk. The male fruit will  fall off and all the tree energy will be diverted to the female fruit which will begin to mature, which will grow to maturity in approximately 3 to 4 months in approximately 3 to 4 months. In its native land in Asia the jackfruit can reach a weight of over 100 pounds here in the United States it does not reach that way it normally reaches somewhere between 30 and maybe 50 pounds.a weight of over 100 pounds here in the United States it does not reach that weight normally it will grow to  somewhere between 30 and 50 pounds.

Adult Jackfruit

Male Fruit

Female Fruit

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